What does the house want...?

in , , , , , by Tracey Jones, November 11, 2015
Working hard on the TLC House! This is the time in a renovation when it seem like lots is happening but not much change to see...messier, dirtier, uglier.

I always say it has to get way worse before it can be better!We are getting down to the end of demo. (reiterating last post...demo day...not just a day!!) Kitchen is out entirely as is main bathroom. 

Big thing that happened this week is the fireplace removal!
We decided instead of working around the awkward centre of room structure we are just going to tear it down and create a wall focal point with a new gas insert. 

Now thats a really big hole in the floor.... and we will have to deal with a support post or 2!
Wall framing coming out soon around this. Open concept...hello!

Kitchen circa 1961-2015

Kitchen demo'd!

Main bathroom circa 1961-2015


Bathroom gone!

Pretty blue toilet...cheap!

Our most excellent contractors are starting to frame up the basement rooms and slowly things will start to take shape.

Thanks Wayne ( Keybroy Construction)
and Brian ( Bendle Homeworks)

Working on the interior design plan now with Leslie and there are a lots of moving parts to consider. Like Really Consider !

A sidebar on this - Stacey and I were at a client consult a while back and we asked as always what the client likes /dislikes /is inspired by etc. She answered "...Its not as much what I want and like but really more about 'What does the house want?' ..." We laughed because it does sound abit corny new-agey but it is kind of true.

There is no right or wrong ( ok maybe some small wrongs turns!) to what you like in terms of design but you really must identify for yourself how you live in a space and what the structure IS in order to make it work. An example - we finished a full house reno awhile back. A typical west coast style home that our client wanted to makeover into a

"New York Loft" feel. It is stunning but you know what...when they finally moved in and spent some time it was mentioned they are regretting alittle not thinking through "what the house wants..." I guess although it look s amazing it just doesn't feel 100% right for the house and location.

( I think they will come around though ;)

This is an extreme example but really good to consider everything when taking on a reno.

With the TLC house we have to figure out who will buy this property and how they may live in it and that will determine a big part of the design.

Taking TLC out of the equation and inserting potential

"Any Family" is key.

I think this might be what the TLC house wants? :) Some RoomCandy!

And this...

Not this... ( thats next weeks project!)

~ Tracey

PS also did not want to forget a big THANK YOU to Dave at Lida Homes tons of great advice, support and suggestions!

...it certainly may take the whole community! :)

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