Real Estate Staging 101

in , , , by Tracey Jones, February 18, 2014
House for Sale?  Have you done your homework?  Are you asking WHY its not selling?

Home Staging is no longer a nice add on to a home marketing plan.

It is now a NECESSITY. Your property must stand out among all other comparables in your area. Doing some prep work BEFORE you list will enhance your product .  ( that's what it is now...a product to SELL)

Here is what a home stager can do for you:

  • Work with the Homeowner to make detailed plan to get a property to market in its best possible condition .
  • Do a full and thorough walk through of the property to identify what the positives are that can be showcased and more importantly what deficiencies need to be addressed. This can range from decluttering advice, curb appeal, simple decor and aesthetics, paint and repairs, and to larger scale upgrades that will bring the property up to par .
  • Refer and manage qualified trades to get the required repair work done.
  • Work with the Realtor to meet listing deadlines allowing them to focus on the task at hand : SELLING YOUR PROPERTY !
  • Work hands-on in occupied properties to make sure furniture layout is functioning but also looking great. This includes styling of accessories and art. So vital for great MLS photos and so often overlooked! (we all have seen tragic marketing photos...WHY?!)
  • Bring in lease furniture, art and accessories to stage vacant properties. Ever felt the cold echo of a vacant space?....not a good selling feature! Buyers need direction on how a property can work for them. Creating a warm and inviting "idea" makes your place the one they remember.

A home stager has the experience and creative know how to get any property ready for market. The price tag for this ? Always always always less than a price reduction ! A staged home will show better in media and in person and generally will sell faster and for a higher price. Why? Because you have done the homework to prepare it!!!

Here is a to-the-point post from ComFree Real Estate blog

4 straight up reasons why your house is not selling

Connecting with a great stager and working as a team with your realtor will get you results.
Stage it FIRST...Sell it FAST!

If your place is on the market in Victoria give us a call!


~Tracey & Stacey
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