Dressing up your mantel!

After the holidays is a good time to refresh! Like with fashion and jewelry, its usually the simple looks that get a double take. And of course in some cases the outrageous will turn a head or two.

Before you start we suggest:
  • Pick your style with things that you love....they will be front and center in your room so you had better love each piece! Address the detail and style of the mantel itself.
  • Choose with scale in mind. 1 or 2 large pieces have greater impact than a ton of tiny bits.
  • Change it up! No one says it has to stay there for 40 years (...ancient clock on the mantel in my childhood home ...yep! still there- moved x3 houses but always front and centre over fireplace!)
  • Think outside! Bring some organic in...showcase some nature...twigs, driftwood, berries always pair beautifully with glass and simple art or a stunning mirror.
Here's some ideas I love (and will try) and some mantels we have styled for clients.
Soft and unified ... mirrors always work :)


Bringing the outdoors in!

Layers Layers Layers !!

( I'm working on a post now on what the heck we mean by LAYERS!?!)

Start with the biggest piece and layer in groups of your elements .

Note scale shape and colour.

Create the visual interest with a triangle form or this interesting up and down layout

Here's a rustic theme!

Off Center! LOVE IT!

When you have great stonework sometimes little or nothing displayed is the answer!




Here the art is a good soft balance to the bolder shelf styling

A great place to display collections!  Note again the balance of the overall look.

...and sometimes you can just do whatever the heck speaks to you!

Dress it up and show it off!
~ Tracey and Stacey
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